If you use RedHat Enterprise Linux in a big environment, you probably
use RedHat Network (RHN) as well.
you want to do. Here is a small script I wrote to list out all of our systems and when
they last checked in: — #!/usr/bin/python import xmlrpclib
import getpass
from sys import stderr
import sys RHN_URL = “https://rhn.redhat.com/rpc/api” # Using stderr so redirect of the script to a file still works for prompts:
stderr.write(‘Please input your RHN username: ‘)
u = raw_input().rstrip(‘n’)
p = getpass.getpass(stream=sys.stderr) client = xmlrpclib.Server(RHN_URL, verbose=0)
key = client.auth.login(u, p)
list = client.system.listUserSystems(key) for group in list:
sysname = group.get(‘name’)
sysid = group.get(‘id’)
last_checkin = group.get(‘last_checkin’)
print ‘{0} – {1} ‘ .format (sysname, last_checkin) client.auth.logout(key) — Hope that might be useful for someone else. For more info on RHN’s APIs: