I thought I would list all the addons I am using playing the new Classic WoW, so you might discover something useful.
For bars, I use Bartender4 which makes me able to manipulate how the bars look and functions. You can open the window with /bt. I also use BlizzMove to be able to move any window around and Modern Targetframe for more information on the healthbars and so on. I also use IceHUD which makes you have cirtular bars in the middle of the screen for your own and targets health and mana. Very nice.
I also use Titan Panel, which goes across the top of the screen with useful information. Very useful since most addons want to put an icon on the crowded minimap, but with Titan you can have them there instead:
For bags, I use the Better Bags addon. It makes all your bags one bug virtual bag, and it sorts different typess of items together automatically. Also supports a lot of addons that change how the sorting works. You can make your own categories, just drag an item on the top left bag icon while holding shift, write a new category and after that all of those items will go to that category.
For junk, I use three addons: Scrap, Scrap Broker and Scrap Cleaner. The first auto-sells all the junk when you’re at a vendor. The second makes you able to modify what you consider junk with hotkeys. After you set something as junk, it will always get marked as junk and sold automatically. The third has hotkeys so you can delete the junk item with the lowest value when you’re low on bag space, instead of searching the bags for something to delete. Very handy.
For maps, I use the following addons:
TomTom which gives you the arrow in the middle of the screen for where to run to for corpse runs, to quests, points you set yourself on the map and so on.
Atlas-fork for instance maps and world events.
GatherMate2 for resource nodes on the map.
GatherMate2 – data for filling in existing nodes on the map (database for GatherMate2).
GatherMate2 – hide nodes gives you a button on the map to hide all GatherMate2-nodes since the map gets cluttered. Easy to toggle them on and off.
For quests, I use Questie like everyone else. Sometimes I also use GuideLime to guide me to where I should quest on my current level with the Sage guide.
To see what I can train on my next level, What’s Training is useful.
For alts and communicating in the guild channel as yourself, Identity2 is useful. It gives you the option to have your main character name appear in paranthesis at the start of each message you send.
For auction-stuff I use Auctioneer and TradeSkillMaster. They also give me detailed information about prices for stuff when I mouseover any item. TradeSkillMaster has a companion-app you need to run in Windows, which updates the database for prices. Very useful.
For world buffs and instance tracking, I use Nova World Buffs and Nova Instance Tracker.
For groups/raids, I use GTFO to remind me to move from dangerous spots and Details to show threatmeter, dps meter and so on. AtlasLoot Classic shows me potential loot in dungeons. Attune shows me how to get attunes for the different end-level content. I use Decursive to remove negative effetcs on party members.
I also use Autolayer. That is an addon where you can help others to move to your layer, and you can request others who use the adon to move to their layer. All automated. Very nice if you’re in a crowded quest-area, since another layer might not be so crowded. Works sometimes 🙂 If you have it enabled, you will constantly get people invited to group with you to get to your layer. Click the icon on titan bar or minimap to turn helping others on and off. Right click to open a window to request to get invited to another layer.