Since I struggled a bit to install these addons to Minecraft and get them to work together, I thought I would jot down a quick howto for others on how to get this working without …
Tag: gaming
CCP/Eve Online og relasjon til kundene sine
Jeg spiller litt Eve Online fra tid til annen – det er et fascinerende spill på mange måter. For de som ikke vet hva Eve Online er, så er det et MMO satt i rommet, og det er vanvittig mye mer realistisk enn mange andre spill. Det legger stor vekt …
Welcome back, or??
I used to play Age of Conan for a while, until I got too tired of all the bugs and flaws, and gave it up. A while ago I was considering to go back, and then FunCom decided to withdraw money for a whole year for both me and my girlfriend’s accounts…